Are Second Life Gacha Games Worth Your Time?

Important Note: Gacha machines are no longer allowed in Second Life. You can still buy and sell things on the Marketplace that were aquired via Gacha, however it is now against the Second Life TOS for creators to sell an item that is completely random. By the new policy buyers must know what they are purchasing at the time of purchase. There are new purchasing systems (such as MiePon) that have come out as an allowed alternative.

I’m keeping this post up as a reference for when Gacha was allowed, however the content in it is outdated and this specific post won’t be updated further.

Based on the Japanese game of the same name, Second Life Gacha machines are a huge hit in world. Gachas offer the chance at multiple items for very cheap, usually less than what each item is worth. The inexpensive shot at high quality products has spawned various Gacha themed events, some of which keeping sims competitively full for days or more. Note: Almost everything my avatar has on in this post is from Gacha events!

How Second Life Gacha Works

The easiest way to sum up Gacha is by imagining those little quarter machines found in supermarkets and other real life stores. An image at the top shows the products contained within. You put in a small amount of money and out pops one of those items. You never know what you’ll get!

In game Gachas are very similar. Gachas will have an image on or near the machine showing you what’s inside. Most will tell you which items are rare, some will even show the percentage chance it has to drop. A script in the machine is used to give you a random item when you pay based on these percentages (whether they are displayed or not.) The odds of winning a specific item depends on what you’re going for and the rarity of the product. Remember, if you have a 1 in 3 (33%) chance to get a specific item, that doesn’t mean you’ll get it in 3 tries. It simply means that each try gives you 1 in 3 chance to get it. And that’s for Gachas with even odds. Some will have rare items that have a smaller chance to drop than the rest. Gachas with Common, Uncommon, and Rare chances are not at all unusual. Make sure to weigh those odds before splurging!

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Why It’s Worth Joining Second Life Groups

Note: While the images in this blog post are from 2017, the content has been reviewed and updated for 2020.

While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think avatar creation, groups are one of my favorite resources in game. Whether it’s the gifts or the wealth of information contained within, groups are a valuable tool for making your avatar look just the way you want. So what do you get out of joining Second Life groups?

What Exactly Are Groups Anyway?

Second Life groups have many purposes. Some sims require you to be in the group to take full advantage of everything their sim has to offer. Some groups exist just so you can keep up on the latest news pertaining to the people within. Some are just about being social. Still others are just so you can have the group tag (display name shown when group is active) above your head. Since Regeneration is all about character creation and customization, we’re going to mainly focus on groups that benefit your avatar directly.

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Vista Bento Hands For Ladies – Final Version!

Update: Slink’s Dynamic Hands have been released! Check out the release post for a comparison between Slink’s bento hands and Vista’s bento hands.

Vista Animations has been letting us play with their beta bento hands for a few months now. Today they’ve released their final update for the beta version. This update addresses various customer concerns as well as a bundle of quality of life improvements. Keep reading for the official video and to see what’s new with your Vista bento hands. Not sure what I’m talking about? Check out my posts on Project Bento and bento hands.

VISTA BENTO PROHANDS V1 FINAL (FEMALE) posted by Vistanimations

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My Little Mountain Visit

Every now and again I’ll be sharing avatars I’ve made for inspiration. I’m not opposed to featuring your avatars either, so if that’s something you’re interested in please let me know! Today I’m sharing with you my little mountain visit in beautiful Netherwood.

Today’s inspiration came to me after visiting the Epiphany event. I got some really nice items from the Gacha machines there and knew I had to share them with you. Credits and more photos below!

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Using The Second Life Marketplace

While some of these photos quite old, they are still relevant! The photos are from 2017, but the content has been checked for accuracy and relevancy for 2020.

The Marketplace has millions of items to choose from. Shopping there can seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about mastering shopping Second Life’s Marketplace.

Why The Marketplace?

There are various ways to shop in Second Life. In world has malls and stores (which I’ve discussed in another post), but on the web we have the Marketplace. I generally prefer Marketplace shopping as you can find very specific items and read reviews with ease. Whenever I want to shop for something specific, the Marketplace is my go to. When you have a vague idea of what you’re looking for it can still be beneficial by showing you multiple items from various sellers all at once. This can be awesome when looking for a certain color shirt or even an entirely new outfit!

Shopping Second Life’s Marketplace: The Basics

Shopping the Marketplace is similar to other types of online shopping. If you’ve used sites like Amazon you already have an idea of what to do. Shopping Second Life’s Marketplace is a little different though, so here is a guide on how to use it the most efficiently for your needs.

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Shopping In The Second Life World

Note: While the images in this blog post are from 2017, the content has been reviewed and updated for 2020.

Similar to real life, Second Life shopping can be quick and easy or time consuming and in depth. You can go to a mall just to window shop, or you can find what you need via the web by browsing the Marketplace and heading right to the location in world. This guide will help you find what you need when shopping in world.

Second Life Shopping In World: The Basics

With the Marketplace as an option it may seem silly to shop in world. Why browse through the game when product searches are more specific on the web? For the exact same reason you’d go to the mall instead of shopping Amazon, of course! You can see how things look in the world instead of just product advertisements. Watching the people around you to see what they’re interested in is a lot of fun too!

Getting Started

Second Life is a vast world filled with thousands of sims. Knowing how to navigate them is the key to finding what you need in game. After logging in, your first step will be to open the search. I prefer using the Websearch tab for shopping since it’s a lot neater and easier to navigate. Make sure you select Places from the dropdown menu if you’re specifically looking for store locations. Then simply search for what you need (I find the more broad the topic the better), check out descriptions for the results that interest you, and select a place to teleport.

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Bento Hands vs Static Mesh – What’s Right For You?

Note: Bento hands now come standard with most bodies. I’ve reviewed this post to ensure it is still accurate for 2020, however your body most likely already has bento hands included.

Maitreya's original nonbento hand.
Static Maitreya (2017)

Static Mesh Hands

We’re all used to the static mesh hands by now.  They can look nice, however they are stuck in a neutral position. Originally static hands came standard with the body you purchase, but they are almost entirely phased out on modern avatars. Some static hands come with a HUD to allow the user to change various details on the hands. This may include things like skin tone, nail style and color, or tattoos/markings such as freckles. Until recently Second Life hands were little more than an extension of the body.

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Manage Your Moves

This series is currently in the process of being updated. While most of the information is still relevant I’m going through and updating the content as well as the images to ensure they are still accurate and current.

This is part 5 of the 5 part series Making A New You.

So you’ve gone on your shopping spree and you’re itching to go show off. You look awesome, but you’re still using Second Life’s default animations. You’ve put so much work into your avatar, don’t cheapen it by skipping an Animation Overrider (AO).

Walk, Don’t Waddle

Due to their lack of fluidity, Second Life’s default animations leave something to be desired. The walk has the elegance of a penguin and the other animations aren’t any better. This is where the animation overrider comes in. It replaces the default animations so you can move like the sophisticated creature you are. Different animations give your character different personalities. You can sashay like a model or saunter like a criminal. You can be confident, sassy, curious, humble, anything! Many AOs even alter your basic standing animations. Your choice of animation overrider sets the mood for everything you do.

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Find Your Fashion

This series is currently in the process of being updated. While most of the information is still relevant I’m going through and updating the content as well as the images to ensure they are still accurate and current.

This is part 4 of the 5 part series Making A New You.

Avatar fashion is a huge industry in Second Life. Everywhere you go you’ll find people sporting their own style and individuality. The endless options make it easier to bring your dream avatar into reality. Make sure you still have that list handy from Part 1, you’ll need to know what’s left to acquire!

Demos vs Free Content

Similar to purchasing body parts and hair, demos are an important part of the Second Life avatar fashion industry. Demos are generally free or next to free versions of the product for sale. They tend to have a trait (such as incomplete textures or extra shapes floating around) that is visually displeasing to deter you from using it instead of the full priced product. While the price tag may look tempting, demos are not made for use beyond testing the product out on your avatar. Think of it as a sample taste of the final product. After all, you wouldn’t know if something fits without trying it on first, right?

Some products don’t have demos, especially low cost or free products. These products are commonly referred to as freebies, dollarbies, and gifts. As the names imply, freebies cost nothing and dollarbies cost 1L$. Gifts don’t have a set price, but tend to be inexpensive. Low cost products exist all over Second Life, however finding decent quality ones takes a bit of patience and hunting.  If you’re interested in keeping things free (or close to it) I highly recommend browsing The Free Dove.

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Pick Your Parts

This series is currently in the process of being updated. While most of the information is still relevant I’m going through and updating the content as well as the images to ensure they are still accurate and current.

This is part 3 of the 5 part series Making A New You.

How you build your basic avatar depends on what you want the outcome to be. Selecting body parts can be a challenging yet rewarding experience! You’ll need the list you made in Part 1 so you know what type of items to buy.

Your Basic Avatar – Now In Mesh! 

Mesh is the term used to describe 3D objects in Second Life. The game does provide default Mesh avatars that you can build off of, though they are very basic. If you want higher quality you can purchase mesh parts to use instead of the default avatar. Since the defaults are already made for you I’ll assume you’re not reading this guide for those and focus on the other options.

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