This series is currently in the process of being updated. While most of the information is still relevant I’m going through and updating the content as well as the images to ensure they are still accurate and current.
This is part 5 of the 5 part series Making A New You.
So you’ve gone on your shopping spree and you’re itching to go show off. You look awesome, but you’re still using Second Life’s default animations. You’ve put so much work into your avatar, don’t cheapen it by skipping an Animation Overrider (AO).

Walk, Don’t Waddle
Due to their lack of fluidity, Second Life’s default animations leave something to be desired. The walk has the elegance of a penguin and the other animations aren’t any better. This is where the animation overrider comes in. It replaces the default animations so you can move like the sophisticated creature you are. Different animations give your character different personalities. You can sashay like a model or saunter like a criminal. You can be confident, sassy, curious, humble, anything! Many AOs even alter your basic standing animations. Your choice of animation overrider sets the mood for everything you do.