Since this is my last content post before I head on vacation later this week I wanted to share my favorite outfit (of the moment) with you!
Remember every picture is clickable for a full view!
Dragon Gacha
Yes, it happens that the most prominent items in this outfit are from a gacha. Pixicat created the Dragon set for this summer’s Epiphany. Epiphany is closed, however the gacha is still accessible in the gacha section of the Pixicat store. Thank goodness, because I still really want the last rare! I recommend visiting the Marketplace if there is a specific piece you’d like from this set as gacha games are entirely chance. I have a bunch of items from this gacha in my store (including 3 of the nr1 rare for Maitreya at the time of this post), but feel free to look for other sellers too! If you like everything in the set go ahead and give it a shot, it’s just L$75 a try.