One Hair + Three Skins = Three Girls (ft. 7DS & TRUTH)

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of 7 Deadly s{K}ins and TRUTH; they’re in almost all of my posts! Today I want to show off a few of their products and show how you can get different looks without changing much.

The Basics

Every pic used today has almost identical products (all of which are credited at the end of the post). There is only one actual product that is different in each picture and that’s the skin. You’ll see the style and color of the hair changes. The hair itself isn’t being swapped out, it’s all controlled by HUD. The color of the bathing suit is adjusted the same way. The mesh parts and shapes are all the same. This is a great example of how different you can look with a new skin and hairdo.


This look is based around the Serika Omega applier from 7 Deadly s{K}ins. While it’s designed for LAQ (there’s a shape for sale too) I find that she works fine on my Catwa head as seen here. She’s available in eleven skin tones as seen below:

  • Box 1
    • Caramel (shown here)
    • Cotton
    • Dew
    • Marshmellow
    • Sand
    • Snow
  • Box 2
        • Caramel (shown here)
        • Coconut
        • Oak
        • Pineapple
        • Taupe
        • Walnut Serika is available at anyBODY until September 30 at 8AM SLT.

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Pixicat’s Dragon – Asia’s Current Obsession

Since this is my last content post before I head on vacation later this week I wanted to share my favorite outfit (of the moment) with you!
Remember every picture is clickable for a full view!

Dragon Gacha

Yes, it happens that the most prominent items in this outfit are from a gacha. Pixicat created the Dragon set for this summer’s Epiphany. Epiphany is closed, however the gacha is still accessible in the gacha section of the Pixicat store. Thank goodness, because I still really want the last rare! I recommend visiting the Marketplace if there is a specific piece you’d like from this set as gacha games are entirely chance. I have a bunch of items from this gacha in my store (including 3 of the nr1 rare for Maitreya at the time of this post), but feel free to look for other sellers too! If you like everything in the set go ahead and give it a shot, it’s just L$75 a try.

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Inspired By: Wonder Woman

Do you ever have the desire to dress up like somebody but don’t feel the need to look identical to them? That’s what the Inspired By series is all about! Feel free to use these short posts for a little inspiration of your own, whether it’s mix & matching some of the products used here or doing something completely new!

Wonder Woman

While she’s gained a burst of popularity with the recent blockbuster film, Wonder Woman (aka Diana, Princess of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta) has been around in comics since 1941. The look used in today’s post is based on her classic (pre 1960s) appearance.



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How To Look Like A Million Bucks On A Budget

Note: While the images are from 2017 products, the content has been reviewed and is up to date as of July 2020.

Second Life and some of its many avatars may be free, however a large portion of us invest money into the game. Avatar customization can turn into a very expensive hobby if you have the desire and the funds. That said, you don’t have to be rich to look awesome. If you want to spend some money on your avatar but need to stick to a budget you can still look great.

What To Spend On

The important thing to remember is that your avatar is yours and what’s important to others may not be important to you. Maybe you don’t care about cool clothing but you want a high quality mesh body. Perhaps you love the system body and want to invest in quality clothing and hair. It’s entirely up to you. Here are some things worth investing in when funds are limited.

The Basics: Body, Skin, Hair, Etc.

A high quality base is a great starting point. If you have some of the more popular mesh body parts you can find low cost and even free clothing, appliers, and accessories quite easily. What you should purchase is entirely up to your preferences and budget. This section lists some of the most popular brands alongside which genders they support so you have a place to start. This is by no means a complete list, it just includes the most popular brands to consider.

Mesh Body Parts

If you’ll only be purchasing high quality body parts (and looking for deals on skins and appliers) I recommend sticking with the more common mesh body options. Their popularity makes it very easy to find low cost and free products to use with them. I highly encourage you to demo all your parts together before purchasing to ensure they give you the look you want. 

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(How) Hair Changes A Person

Have you ever looked in the mirror after a new haircut and felt like a new person? A new ‘do can really change the vibe you give off to others! This is true for our avatars, too.

A change of color can be the breath of fresh air your avatar needs, or perhaps you want an entirely different style altogether. You may be surprised at just how much a new hairstyle can change your overall appearance. Take the images below, for example. The hair are the only differences between each image. The red and black cuts are actually the same hair with different styles selected. Notice how each look could be their own different character. Every hair in this post was created by TRUTH.


Truth hairs shown (from top left): Kitten, Horizon, Euphoria, Labyrinth, Kitten, Poetry

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TRUTH: Revolutionizing Hair In Second Life

Every so often a product comes out that changes the way everyone thinks about that commodity. Take Vista’s bento hands for example. They were the first bento hands publicly available and nearly everyone was fascinated, if not addicted, to the new and future possibilities. This week TRUTH released a hair product that is doing the very same thing, this time with no extra Linden Labs technology needed.

A Brief History

If you’ve ever purchased hair in Second Life, and even if you haven’t, you’ve likely heard of TRUTH. Named for the founder and designer, Truth Hawks, TRUTH is perhaps the most popular and successful hair brand in Second Life. While he specializes in women’s hair Truth has also developed some clothing and accessories. His products are found at his in world store, the Marketplace, and various events across the grid. He even created Uber, a sales event that both customers and designers look forward to every round.

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Fantasy Avatar: The Glaistig

Recent dark and fantasy events such as We Love RP, Memento.Mori, and The Dark Style Fair 4 have been grabbing the attention of alternative avatars all through Second Life. In celebration I designed an avatar loosely based on a mythical being from Scottish folklore. The Glaistig is represented in many different ways, but almost all of them share the theme of a woman/goat hybrid. With that in mind I created the creature for this post.


7 Deadly s{K}ins

The skin used for the Glaistig is Nove by 7 Deadly s{K}ins. Nove is found at The Dark Style Fair 4 (aka TDSF4), an event celebrating all things dark. She comes in two packs, both of which include omega appliers for the face and the body in five skin tones. The first package includes the fair tones Snow (shown here), Cotton Candy, Apricot, Sand, and Caramel. The second  includes the darker tones Walnut, Chestnut, Taupe, Cashew, and Pineapple. Each pack is on sale for L$699 at the fair.

To find 7 Deadly s{K}ins at TDSF4 simply port in, head West until you reach the pathway, then follow the pathway South. You’ll find 7DS in the last booth on the right.

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Yes, You SHOULD Be Using Demos!

Note: While the images are from 2017 products, the content has been reviewed and is up to date as of July 2020.

If you’re a regular to the blog you know I’m a firm proponent of demoing products before purchase. I’ve had people ask if and why demos in Second Life are really important. People have also told me that they don’t want to spend the extra time demoing a product they already know they’ll like. Demos are very important, even if you’re absolutely in love with the item! Today I’ll cover what to look for when demoing so you can learn why you should never skip the demo step if it’s available.

What’s A Demo?

Demos are inexpensive (usually free or 1 linden dollar) versions of products made for you to test out before making a final purchase. Think of demos as trying on new clothes or shoes before you buy them. You wouldn’t want to make a big purchase just to find that the jacket doesn’t fit and can’t be returned, would you? In addition to being inexpensive, demos also tend to have something missing or added so you don’t use it instead of the final product. This may be weird/missing textures, extra shapes, or even a timed product that can’t be used after a period of time passes. You wouldn’t want to wear a demo out to the party you’re heading to later. The entire point of the demo is to ensure the product is what you need before making the purchase.

A female Second Life avatar wearing a lot of Demos.

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Fantasy Avatar: The Elven Maiden

Not all Second Life avatars have to be human. A few days ago you saw The Demoness. Today I’ll be showing you a gorgeous elven maiden featuring ears from Swallow and a beautiful dress from Arwen’s Creations.

Get The Elven Maiden Look

For this character I only needed to purchase the elf ears and dress. Of course not all elves need to be clothed in flowing dresses, but I wanted mine to have a style that I didn’t currently have in my inventory. If you’d like to copy the avatar completely you can find full credits at the bottom of the post. Feel free to click any image for a larger version to check out the detail.


An elven maiden shows off her looks from TRUTH, Swallow, and Arwen's Creations.
Click for full view

Elven Ears – Swallow

Swallow sells not only various ears (for elves and humans) but also a variety of accessories, jewelry, and skins. Their store offers gacha machines and even a L$99 room. For accessories that make you stand out Swallow is a store you don’t want to miss.

These ears are a real treat. They come with an in depth HUD to ensure your ears are unlike any others. There are 27 preset skin tones, but if you can’t find your match there you can use the color picker or even an RGB input for the proper color match. You can also choose between 25 “shades” (ear tip colors/glow) and 31 tattoo options including two in the style of Lord of the Rings.  Sizing the ears for a perfect fit is easily handled via the HUD. Depending on your skin, the ears may have a noticeable seam where your head stops and the ears stop. If you find this to be the case you can easily cover the seam with hair or accessories.

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Fantasy Avatar: The Demoness

Not all Second Life avatars have to be human. In fact, non human avatars are a common sight in Second Life. Today I’ll be showing you a beautiful demoness. The best part about making many fantasy humanoids is that they can build off the human base you may already be using!
Shoutout to hhhnnnnnggggggg for inspiring this post! The redditor commented on a post about Second Life Avatar Questions and mentioned he or she had purchased a set of bento demon wings. That in addition to a short conversation about fantasy avatars gave me the little push to start showing off some non human characters.

Get the Demoness Look

Since most players likely have the basics they enjoy using (such as a body, feet, hands, head) I haven’t included those in this section. I used mostly products that I already had, however a few new purchases were made. If you’d like to copy the style completely you can find full credits at the bottom of the post. Feel free to click any image for a larger version to check out the detail.

Wings and Tail- EVolved creatures

A second life demoness shows off her wings and tail by evolved creations

EVolved creatures creates bento fantasy enhancements for avatars. At the time of this posting the current selection is small, but each item is versatile, great quality, and beautiful. They currently offer the following products:

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