Yup, you read that right! I can’t very well tell y’all that anyone can regenerate without doing it myself, can I?
So… What Happened?
When I started the blog was found over at regenerationshapes.com. The site went by Regeneration back then, and shapes was just some blah addon because regeneration.com was already taken. I blogged multiple times a week for about a year – around 200 posts! Then life happened, like it does, and I had to stop for a while. A while turned into a while longer, and well, you get the drift. While I was away from blogging my domain expired, and I took that as an awesome sign to get a better one. So now I’m back with something that fits a bit better, Digital Regeneration! I’m cool with being referred to as Regeneration or Digital Regeneration, either is totally fine.
Changes Beyond The Name
Regeneration was born from my desire to help people with their avatars. My goal remains unchanged: to make a resource where beginners and pros alike can find new things and balance their tastes with their wallets. Posting multiple times a week, however, meant that I needed to have CONTENT multiple times a week. I had to have things to review, time to research, and knowledge to share. In order to have that content I teamed up with content creators to help you see what Second Life has to offer in the most efficient way possible.
I absolutely loved every second (and the people I blogged for), but it got very time consuming covering multiple events and being dedicated to items. Unfortunately it also made for more posts about events and products and less on helping you make the perfect avatar. YES products and events are important to creation, but that’s not all there is. So I’ll be focusing LESS on blogging items given to me and MORE on unique looks and cutting edge avatar products. There are a ton of fashion blogs out there, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’ll be able to satisfy that craving on those blogs.
What’s Coming?
Ahhh so much I’m excited for! I’m planning more in depth posts about avatar parts (think various bodies, heads, and perhaps even naughty bits). I’ve noticed the rising popularity of BOM is confusing some people, so expect some posts about that and some products that support it. Maybe even some more fleshed out Animesh content since it was brand new when my last post was made. I’ll also be updating the popular informational content to catch up with the times. SL is so different now than it was in 2017 when those were written!
I’m looking forward to sharing more with you and helping you become your dream self. Thanks for sticking with me!
Note: The older posts are, well, older. You may run into some formatting issues while I tidy them up.

Body – Maitreya: Lara
Skin & Shape – Session: Niko
Hair – TRUTH: Poetry in Greyscale
Eye Shadow – Izzie’s: Smokey Eye Shadow
Tattoos – Letis Tattoo: Cat Goddess
Choker – Virtual Disgrace: Tattoo Choker
Bra – r2: Seiga (Gold)
Location – Eris Isle