Recent dark and fantasy events such as We Love RP, Memento.Mori, and The Dark Style Fair 4 have been grabbing the attention of alternative avatars all through Second Life. In celebration I designed an avatar loosely based on a mythical being from Scottish folklore. The Glaistig is represented in many different ways, but almost all of them share the theme of a woman/goat hybrid. With that in mind I created the creature for this post.
7 Deadly s{K}ins
The skin used for the Glaistig is Nove by 7 Deadly s{K}ins. Nove is found at The Dark Style Fair 4 (aka TDSF4), an event celebrating all things dark. She comes in two packs, both of which include omega appliers for the face and the body in five skin tones. The first package includes the fair tones Snow (shown here), Cotton Candy, Apricot, Sand, and Caramel. The second includes the darker tones Walnut, Chestnut, Taupe, Cashew, and Pineapple. Each pack is on sale for L$699 at the fair.
To find 7 Deadly s{K}ins at TDSF4 simply port in, head West until you reach the pathway, then follow the pathway South. You’ll find 7DS in the last booth on the right.
Neria by TRUTH includes both the hair and the horns seen here. They are purchased together however each can be both equipped and adjusted separately. TRUTH is having an amazing sale right now: most of the hair in the store is 70% off until May 12, 2017. During this sale you can pick up Neria (and many others) at the super low price of $75 for regular hair packs, $120 for the variety packs, and $350 for the fatpacks. The sale is in world only, and the sim is definitely going to be packed, but this one is worth fighting to get in for!
Aii The Ugly & Beautiful
The Devil Fingers and Toes from Aii The Ugly & Beautiful are shown here in Bone. They come in multiple colors including gold, silver, and black. They are a free gift for members of the in world group. If you aren’t a member yet don’t worry, they’re still available! Simply join the group and head on over to the Freebies section of the in world store. You’ll find them on the left in the “Aii Group” section. I recommend taking a look around the entire store; there are lots of fun fantasy products!
Note: Bone is not the featured set on the vendor, but it is included.
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