Last night Maitreya released Lara 4.0, the much anticipated bento update for the popular body. Most of my groups, even the ones not related to Maitreya, were filled with excited chatter about the new Maitreya bento hands. So many people tried to get to the store upon release that the sim had to be closed to the public for at least a few hours. The sim is open again, however it’s bustling with activity so you may have trouble getting in. No need to fear, if you already have Lara you don’t have to go to the sim to get your update!
Getting Your New Body
If you already own Lara you’ll most likely already have your update waiting for you when you log in. If this isn’t the case simply remove and reattach your current Lara body. This should trigger a redelivery. If this doesn’t work go to the Maitreya Store and use the redelivery terminal. Please bear in mind that this is a new update and things may be a little slow the first few days.
If you don’t own Lara you’ll have to purchase her. You can do this by visiting the store in world. Make sure to demo if you haven’t already, she’s a big and important purchase! At the time of this post she cost $L2750 and includes the body, classic and bento hands, feet, 5 shapes, and two bra/panty sets.
Maitreya Lara 4.0 Updates
Let’s start with the officially announced updates, shall we? Straight from Maitreya’s Update Card:
- The hands are now rigged to the bento skeleton, allowing for finger movement. The classic hands are also still included in the package.
- There are 14 hand poses added to the HUD (Skins & Options page), which can be used in combination with all your model poses and AOs.
- There are 2 new nail shapes added: Stiletto nails and Almond nails, and the option for no nails (if you want to wear Maitreya compatible mesh nails made by other stores).
- The skin textures have been adjusted to fit the new bento hands.
Digging Deeper
This update is primarily about the hands with small adjustments to the included skins and the HUD to further benefit the new Maitreya bento hands. As with the other bento hands the Maitreya hands are compatible with third party bento poses and AOs. Maitreya’s hands do not come with default idle animations.
Maitreya Bento Hands
Right when equipping the hands I noticed my favorite thing about them: I absolutely adore how they look. The most obvious change for me is the reduction of the natural bone bump on the wrist. The popular other hands Slink and Vista have very noticeable bumps where the Maitreya hands are more subtle. I love the slender appearance and really think Maitreya hit it out of the park with this one.
The HUD has seen some changes to accommodate the new hands as well. These changes can be found in the Skins & Options tab.
Originally we had three options for nails: short. medium, and long. Now we have six options including Stiletto nails, long rounded nails, and no nails at all.
With the bento hands we also have static hand poses now! Each hand can be selected independently with 14 poses to choose from. The hands move very smoothly from pose to pose.
Many people already own either Vista or Slink bento hands. This section is intended for those users to learn a bit more about the Maitreya bento hands in comparison to those.
Maitreya & Vista
- Both are slender, however the Ulna (bone that causes the bump in the wrist) is less obvious on Maitreya.
- Because of this I personally feel Maitreya looks more realistic than Vista.
HUD & Movement
As the Maitreya hands are part of the Lara body everything is contained in one HUD. Vista hands require the Vista HUD for customization.
- Both HUDS include nail color & shape options.
- Maitreya does not have a way to modify nails individually.
- Vista allows you to isolate specific nails for customization.
- Both HUDS include static poses.
- Maitreya comes with 14 poses.
- Vista comes with 12 poses.
- Vista includes idle animations. Maitreya does not.
- Both include Gloves layers.
- Vista also has a tattoo layer.
- It’s worth noting that the static poses for the Vista hands do move the Maitreya hands and vice versa.
- Many of the poses are similar though you will find that some are different.
- As they are designed for different hands they may not be perfect when crossing use, but they do work.
- Maitreya hands are free upgrade for anyone who uses the Lara body.
- Vista hands regular price is L$999, however at the time of this posting they’re 30% off and cost L$700.
For more information on Vista’s Bento ProHands check out our in depth post.
Maitreya & Slink
- Maitreya is slender whereas Slink is a bit bulkier.
- Neither is noticeably unrealistic in motion.
- Both are Omega compatible.
- I prefer how skins look on Maitreya’s hands. Slink’s tend to stretch out skin patterns a bit more than I prefer on the skins I tested.
- Tested with:
- 7 Deadly s{K}ins (Shown in Wednesday)
- Wow Skins
- Aii
- Tested with:
- I prefer how skins look on Maitreya’s hands. Slink’s tend to stretch out skin patterns a bit more than I prefer on the skins I tested.
HUD & Movement
As the Maitreya hands are part of the Lara body everything is contained in one HUD. Slink hands have 3 HUDs.
- Both hands have nice fluid motion between set poses.
- Maitreya has 14 poses included.
- Slink has 15 poses sold separately.
- Slink has idle animations included. Maitreya does not.
- Both have glove layers.
- It’s worth noting that the static poses for the Slink hands do move the Maitreya hands and vice versa.
- Many of the poses are similar though you will find that some are different.
- The poses will move the opposite brand’s hands, however due to how different the hands are most don’t look quite right.
- Maitreya’s are a free upgrade for anyone who uses the Lara body.
- Slink’s are L$1525 total for the Slink Dynamic Hands & Basic Static Pose HUD (sold separately.)
- If you already own previous versions of Slink hands you can upgrade for free.
- The Slink Dynamic Hands are L$875.
- This includes the hands, stiletto nails addon, and idle animations.
- The Basic Static Pose HUD is $L650.
For more information on Slink’s Dynamic Hands check out our in depth post.
Which To Use?
Well that’s based entirely on your own personal preference! You may want to use different hands for different poses. You may prefer the way Maitreya looks to another. Maybe you like Vista’s idle animations better than Slink’s. Perhaps the thicker fingers on Slink look better with your avatar’s shape. Personally I’ll be using Maitreya for the time being and switching out as needed for various poses or animations. Which is your favorite and why? Let me know in the comments.
The Maitreya Lara body can be copied but neither modified nor transferred.
Pics & Credits
As always the images can be clicked for full view.

Body – Maitreya: Lara
Shape – Regeneration: Trisha
Skin – 7 Deadly s{K}ins: Wednesday
Hands – Maitreya: Bento Hands
Hair – TRUTH: Irenka
Eyes – Catwa: Mesh Eyes
Lingerie – Maitreya: Lara Bra & Panties
Pose – FOXCITY.: Cotton Candy 1
Location – Habitat Springs, Countryside
I got mine yesterday! Posing my hands is really fun, and I really like the new nails! That said, some of my ring sets that fit my classic Maitreya hands just fine were a little off even in the more relaxed/casual hand positions. Some of my Maitreya applier nails weren’t working either, but the Omega appliers worked great.
Otherwise this is just wonderful! I’m really excited to finally have my bento hands. <3
I got mine last night too, I just wasn’t able to really play with them until today. Everyone was so chatty about them last night and looking forward to them. My groups were scrolling like crazy!
Thanks for the heads up on the rings. I never used the default Maitreya hands so I had no idea. If they’re modifiable maybe you can bump them into the correct positions.
Nails sounds like it may (hopefully) be a bug, so maybe we’ll see a fix for it in a future update. If not, at least the Omega ones are working!
Got mine last night too. My Nails from Nailed It (Maitreya Applier) all working fine. My Luxy rings from RealEvil for VISTA Hands work with the Lara 4.0 too. Only the rings on thumbs are too big and not good placed. Same for the rings of the the Elektry Nails and Ring set. But the nails on this set are not usable. They are too much off to use them. Parts not usable can be switched off by Alpha in the HUD. RealEv il will bring the sets for Maitreya too soon I guess.
I’m sure now that they’ve been released designers will catch up soon. Some may update their old products, but I think many new products will support the bento hands. Classic can always be used if need be for a photoshoot too!
Loved the Maitreya Bento hands almost as much as my Vista ones. They really did a good jobb!
And so did you❤ This post was so informative!
Thank you, I’m glad to be helpful! Your post is nice too! I liked the Slink hands since they looked a little more realistic than Vista with my avatar, but they’re really nothing in comparison to Maitreya so far. I feel like Maitreya took most of the best parts of both and blended them together nicely. I do wish it has both gloves and tattoo layers as well as independent nail selection, but I’ll take what I can get!
I agree with the glove and tattoo layers and the nails. I never used them with my Vista hands but It is nice to have 🙂