Every month Fashion Dazzle runs a themed sales event. For February 2017 we get to shop with a flair for Paris! This month’s products range in price from 90L$ to 1500L$, though you can find two tops for 10L$ each! Read on for sneak peeks and a full list of participants.
Sneak Peeks
You’re here for the sneakin’, aren’t you? Well I won’t make you wait! As always, the images can be clicked for full view so you can check out the details on these beautiful outfits. Items available at the event are listed in bold.
D!Vine Style
This gorgeous dress is EXCLUSIVE (and only 175L$!) so make sure to pounce on it! While shown here in a beautiful kiss design, the dress itself comes with a HUD including 68 themes. There are solid colors, unique patterns, and scenic designs. This dress can be casual, formal, and anything in between. You don’t want to miss out on this one, trust me!
Need to wear a suit but still want to feel unique? Look no further! KaJU’s Amore Suit (only 200L$!) is the perfect mixture of formal and fun. The heart design is just the right color to stand out yet not be overpowering. The handkerchief peeking out ensures you feel just as classy as you look. This is an excellent addition to any gentleman’s wardrobe.
This EXCLUSIVE Camille outfit comes with everything you need to look sharp. For only 99L$ you get 4 tops, 4 skirts, the hat, the necklace, and the boots! The top moves seamlessly with your body no matter how much you shimmy those shoulders. This is an outfit every woman should have in her collection.
All Featured Brands
Designers showcasing labelled exclusive products for this event are in bold.
- ::D!Vine Style::
- [Well Made]
- White Room Couture
- *Serendipity*
- Lurve
- Marquesse
- Emerald Couture
- Emerald Couture for him
- *Unique*
- Jewelry By Jake
- KaJU
- Moonstar Designs
- Nala Design
- Sn@tch
- Prism
- Sweet E’s
- Glint
- Canimal
- Graffitiwear
- Pop Art
- Legendaire
- 7 Deadly s{K}ins
- .:AMUI:.
- TRS Designs
- 1 Hundred.
- Cremosas
- TripArt
- FlowerDreams Creations
- Ishara Shop
- Alli&Ali
If Fashion Dazzle’s sales are your type of thing make sure to join *DOVE DAZZLE FASHION*, the official group for their events.