The cover image is the Maitreya In-World Store on July 29, 2023. The window display was created by Vixie Rayna.
Maitreya LaraX is now listed on The Mesh Directory! To see what’s new and what will be familiar check out the post Maitreya LaraX (& What You Need To Know Compared To Lara)!
LaraX and LaraX Petite have been released! If you have Lara v5 or newer you can use the redelivery button in the “Misc” section of your HUD to get LaraX. For LaraX Petite you’ll need to swing by the in world store for a redelivery. LaraX Flat is not yet released, however it is coming.
As LaraX is now officially out most of this post isn’t as relevant. You can still find some answers about it here, however keep an eye out for the LaraX listing on The Mesh Directory as well as an in depth post on what’s new with LaraX. I’ll link both of those here once they are up!
By now you’ve probably seen that Maitreya Lara is getting an update is releasing a new body, Lara X! (This body is free for those who own Maitreya Lara, so many considered it an update for quite some time. It has been confirmed by the creator that Lara X is an entirely new body.) You’ve probably also heard a ton of speculation and rumors. Within the first 24 hours after the news broke I was already seeing a ton of guessing being presented as facts and confusing folks. After seeing misinformation circulating (and confusing people) I decided to consolidate what we do know to help keep facts straight. I will be keeping this up to date as I come across more information.