I’ve had quite a few people ask about my male avatar, Zane, and how I made his base look. I wanted something that looked nice and was easy to customize. With a little research and a lot of demos he became the handsome man he is today. This post is just a quick explanation of the products used for his base look.
When I made Zane the most commonly used body type for men was Slink‘s Physique. The popularity of the body makes it easier to find compatible products which can be a bit annoying for male avatars. Slink’s body is Omega compatible which makes finding skins, tattoos, and applier clothing a breeze. The alpha layers make it easy to wear various mesh clothing too.
I loved Catwa‘s expressions ever since demoing the heads for my female avatar. As such I was naturally drawn to them again when designing Zane. I selected Catwa’s Daniel as it was my personal favorite head out at the time. I prefer the expressions on my female, but the men’s aren’t bad by any means. The head includes the full options other Catwa heads carry such as tinting, shininess, and animations.
Daniel can be copied but not modified nor transferred. The Daniel shape can be copied and modified.
Nivaro is one of my favorite male skin creators in Second Life. I just love the rich detail in their skins. Another huge perk is that the skins come with various hair options. My facial purchase allows me to chose between reds, browns, and blondes (hair, eyebrows, and beards) as well as no hair and various beard styles. My body can have nine hair variations ranging from no hair to a happy trail to full body hair. Being able to switch up my look without making a new purchase is wonderful. Zane uses Norman in Lion.
Bento hands were still pretty new when I made Zane’s new look. Vista was in beta at the time and I new I loved their female hands so I picked these up for my male immediately. Vista’s hands come with various poses and idle animations. They also have nail polish options (even for men!) as well as gloves and tattoos. For a more in depth review of Vista’s bento hands check out our informational post about the ladies’ version.
Vista’s hands can be copied but neither modified nor transferred.
Pics & Credits
As usual each can be clicked for a full, detailed view.

Body – Slink: Physique Male
Hands – Vista: Prohand Slink
Skin – Nivaro: Norman in Lion Tone (04)
Shape – Catwa: Daniel
Poses – Image Essentials: Male Pose Studio