Found In Real Life: ft. Phedora, Addams, Caboodle, and KC Couture

Have you ever found a product in Second Life and really wanted to find something similar to wear off the grid? That’s what the Found In Real Life series is all about! While we know we likely won’t find exact versions of products this series will focus on looks that are pretty close. Keep reading to find not only the Second Life credits but also links to the featured off grid products on Amazon.

Today we’ve found comparable off grid products for this entire outfit! Featuring in world items from Phedora, AddamsCaboodle, and KC Couture.
Fun Note: I threw this whole outfit together and didn’t realize until writing up the post that every item is a freebie or a group gift. What a pleasant surprise! Clicking on the group links may open a blank tab in your browser, however if your viewer is open it’ll open the group in your viewer instead.

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Fantasy Avatar: Neko Girl

Not all Second Life avatars have to be human. You’ve seen The Demoness, the Elven Maiden, and the Vampire Queen. Get ready for the sexy adorable Neko Girl! Men can be Neko characters as well, all you need are ears and a tail! The cute outfit is just a bonus. Today’s look shows off items from Aii The Ugly & Beautiful, Catwa, and Caboodle.

Get The Neko Girl Look

Neko Girl (and Boy) style can really be anything. Some people prefer the sexy avatar, some prefer cutesy. I went sexy for this post since the outfit I wanted to share is a bit on the revealing side. The core parts of a neko are the ears and tail. Kitty eyes are a bonus but not required. I happened to already have all of these items, but neko products aren’t hard to find if you need to shop!

A female Second Life neko avatar with a crop top and skirt.Ears and Tail – Aii The Ugly & Beautiful


Aii The Ugly & Beautiful sells fantasy products of all types for all genders. You can find skins, body modifications (such as a centipede lower body), clothing, accessories, tattoos, and more at their lovely store. They also have tons of free gifts and group gifts as well as a large gacha room.

The ears and tail I’m wearing are both from the Neko Neko Gacha created for Fantasy Gacha Carnival February of 2017. Both are bento and have super adorable movements included. There is no HUD AO for these two items, they simply handle the cute little twitches and wiggles on their own.

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