Signature Gianni | The Mesh Directory

Important Note: This listing is for an older product line. Signature has a newer body out called Davis that appears to be a new line. This older line may no longer be updated and third party support for it has slowed. If I list Davis in the future I’ll make sure to leave a link here for your convenience.

This is an overview of the Signature Gianni mesh body for Second Life avatars. As always I strongly encourage you to demo before making any final purchasesTo browse other mesh heads, bodies, and more check out The Mesh Directory.

Basic Info

Product Specifics

  • Creator – Signature
  • Product – Alice
  • Price – L$3490
  • Review Version – 6.1

Included Parts

  • Body –  Yes
  • Head – No
  • Hands – Yes
  • Feet – Yes
  • Skin – Yes


  • Copy – Yes
  • Transfer – No
  • Mod – No


Bakes on Mesh (BOM)

  • Bakes on Mesh (BOM) – Yes


  • Skin Appliers – Yes
  • Cosmetic Appliers – Yes
  • Applier Save Slots –  No, but you can save textures
  • Omega Compatible – Yes


  • Materials Enabled – Yes
  • Universal Neck Standard ?When used with the same skin tone, heads and bodies both using the Universal Neck Standard result in a seamless neck.Yes
  • Additional Neck Sizing Options –  No


Click the image to view the HUD at actual size.

Pros, Neutral Notes, and Cons

Other things of note to consider that haven’t been mentioned above.


  • Gianni has been around for a while, so there’s a fair bit of items available for the body on the Marketplace.

Neutral Notes

  • Gianni is part of an older line. While it seems to still get updates, Signature appears to be more focused on their newer body. Don’t expect many updates.


  • Unfortunately Gianni isn’t as well supported in terms of new products as other bodies are. At the time of posting the newest product for Gianni on the Marketplace is over a year old.

What’s In The Box

Official Signature Links

Example of Signature Gianni In Use

Head – GA.EG: Alan
Body – Signature: Gianni
Head Skin – GA.EG: Alan NSt4 Nude
Body Skin – Signature: Gianni Body Skin 08
Neck Blend – Izzie’s: Neck Blender 02 (tinted)
Brows – LeLutka: River 003
Shape – Slightly modified version of GA.EG‘s Alan Shape.
Hair – Ginko: #112 Hair
Eyes – Suicidal Unborn: Nova Eyes (Grass)
Ears – Acid Rayne Inc: Bento/Animesh Floppy Ears
Outfit – RIOT: Bird of Prey Harness & Pants
Ball – MILKBATH: Cat Toy
Pose – Russkaya: Boys 03 (STATIC)
Location – My private home (most everything you can see is from Studio Skye and Hayabusa. Arc and Llama are Mysterious Designs.)
Windlight (EEP) – Bryn Oh: Bryn Oh’s BOX MetaLES (This may be included as part of your viewer. Search your inventory and see!)

Do you have a Signature Gianni mesh body? Tell me what you think.
Are there questions you have that I didn’t answer? Ask away!
Would you like to see more info included? Let me know.
Always feel free to use the comment section.

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4 thoughts on “Signature Gianni | The Mesh Directory”

  1. I upgraded to the Signature Gianni body a few months ago from the Adam body, and I have to say, this is much better. The HUD is very easy to use, loads quick and makes it easy to manipulate the body.

    In my opinion, Gianni looks like a guy who goes to the gym often, but not a hulking bodybuilder of a man, which is what I wanted.

    Almost every clothing designer for men supports Gianni, so your options for what to wear are endless. And most clothes made for Gianni have a built in alpha layer that automatically alphas out the correct areas of the body.

    You probably won’t need to worry about neck blending as many of the top skin manufacturers make skins that match their heads perfectly.

    This mesh body is a great buy. I am very happy with it.

  2. I will be very interested to see what the future holds for Gianni. Many of us have already invested heavily in Gianni clothes and accessories and won’t want to re-buy them if we move to Davis. While there are reformers to allow Gianni clothes to fit Davis now, I don’t know how permanent of a solution that will be.

    • Since the deformers make the body closer to Gianni’s shape I think that the staying power of Davis wearing Gianni’s clothing should be pretty long term. As far as Gianni getting new clothes, that really ends up with the third party creators and what they choose to support. With Gianni still being such a widely used body I’m also curious to see how long the creators keep making products for it.


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