Important Note: This listing is for an older product line. Signature has a newer body line out, though it currently only has a masculine option. This older line may no longer be updated and third party support for it has slowed. If a newer feminine body is released I’ll make sure it’s linked here for your convenience.
This is an overview of the Signature Alice mesh body for Second Life avatars. As always I strongly encourage you to demo before making any final purchases. To browse other mesh heads, bodies, and more check out The Mesh Directory.

Basic Info
Product Specifics
- Creator – Signature
- Product – Alice
- Price – L$3490
- Review Version – 3.0
Included Parts
- Body – Yes
- Head – No
- Hands – Yes
- Feet – Yes
- Skin – Yes
- Copy – Yes
- Transfer – No
- Mod – No
Bakes on Mesh (BOM)
- Bakes on Mesh (BOM) – Yes
- Skin Appliers – Yes
- Cosmetic Appliers – Yes
- Applier Save Slots – No, but you can save textures
- Omega Compatible – Yes
- Materials Enabled – Yes
- Universal Neck Standard ?When used with the same skin tone, heads and bodies both using the Universal Neck Standard result in a seamless neck. – Yes
- Additional Neck Sizing Options – No
Pros, Neutral Notes, and Cons
Other things of note to consider that haven’t been mentioned above.
- Alice has been around for a while, so there’s a fair bit of items available for the body on the Marketplace.
Neutral Notes
- Signature is still creating heads and bodies, but they seem to be more focused on the masculine products at the time of posting.
- Alice is no longer listed in the Table of Contents for Signature’s Patch Notes page. The masculine bodies got skin updates where Alice didn’t, so don’t expect many future updates.
- Unfortunately Alice isn’t very well supported in terms of new products. At the time of posting the newest product for Alice on the Marketplace is over a year old.
What’s In The Box

Official Signature Links
Example of Signature Alice In Use

Head/Eyes/Makeup/Tattoos – Vista Animations: Zoe
Body – Signature: Alice
Skin – 7 Deadly Skins: Face included with Zoe in HUD. (Sand)
Shape – Modified version of Vista Animations‘ Zoe shape.
Hair – Yomi: Vamp Hair
Outfit – CryBunBun: Mercy
Pose – Tuty: Charismatic and Magnetic (CMStand8)
Location – My private home (Tent is from EVHAH)
Windlight (EEP) – Bryn Oh: Bryn Oh’s BOX MetaLES (This may be included as part of your viewer. Search your inventory and see!)
Do you have a Signature Alice mesh body? Tell me what you think.
Are there questions you have that I didn’t answer? Ask away!
Would you like to see more info included? Let me know.
Always feel free to use the comment section.
I have Alice, it really is a body that could have established itself in the market, but what did not cheer up the buyers and consequently the shopkeepers, is the lack of curves and definition in their abdomen, but of all the bodies it is the lightest, complete and easy to use. Perhaps if the signature adjusted to fit maitreya items and added more “softness” to that abdomen, it would encourage both of them to make articles for the body.