This series is currently in the process of being updated. While most of the information is still relevant I’m going through and updating the content as well as the images to ensure they are still accurate and current.
This is part 2 of the 5 part series Making A New You.
Whether your budget is tight or you have money to spend, avatar cost is a factor in redesigning your character. If you have the concept of what you want from your avatar you know what sort of things you need to get to build it in world. If you don’t have an idea what you want make sure to check out Part 1.

How Much Does An Avatar Cost?
When purchasing items you will need Linden Dollars (L$), the currency of Second Life. The conversion rate varies, so make sure to check the LindeX to see what you can afford. While they can be earned in game, they are more commonly purchased when large amounts are needed. Acquiring Lindens can be a massive post in itself (perhaps one I’ll make in the future!) For now you need the knowledge that for your dream avatar you likely need some Lindens.