On July 15 Ultra will again be opening its doors to eager shoppers. 7 Deadly s{K}ins will be there with the beautiful skin Olivia.
Olivia comes in six colors: Apricot, Cotton Candy (shown here), Oak, Pineapple, Taupe, and Walnut. As with many of the new 7DS skins her Omega applier is a one click full body application via HUD. This makes it quick and easy to change your look in seconds. For a more in depth look at the body check out our post on the new 7DS body skins.
I could tell you how pretty Olivia is all day, but it really boils down to the visuals and your personal preferences. Check below for more pics. Olivia will be available for purchase on Saturday at Ultra.
Pics & Credits
Click for full view

Body – Maitreya: Lara
Shape – Regeneration:: Amanda
Skin – 7 Deadly s{K}ins: Olivia in Cotton Candy
Hair – TRUTH: Neria in Blondes
Outfit – LRS Creations: Sport Outfit (Pink)
Poses/Props – Juxtapose: Bronx Balcony
Location: Comhar Photo Studio