You’ve probably heard about Skin Fair by now. It’s a giant yearly event that showcases far more than just skins. You can find shapes, makeup, scars, eyes, tattoos, ears, nails, nipples, even bodies and heads. As expected a lot of the big name skin, head, and body brands in Second Life are participating. Even if you don’t need a new skin it’s worth checking out. This year Skin Fair 2021 is presented by Pale Girl Productions & LeLUTKA.
This post isn’t digging into every new thing available. Instead this is a glance at some fun things for customizing your avatar that you may not have realized were available at Skin Fair.
The Big News
Products in this section are the big things that many are finding really exciting. They’re big releases from popular designers and well worth checking out.
Available Now

One of the biggest hypes before Skin Fair was the release of Catwa’s first male HDPRO head, George. I’ll likely be writing a bigger post about him soon, but you can read an overview of George in The Mesh Directory and compare it to other masculine heads to get a glimpse at whether or not he’s right for you. You can find some skins made specifically for George, but you can also use any HDPRO skin on it, even the ones made for the women’s heads. It’s worth grabbing some demos and checking it out!
LeLutka – Evolution Xtreme (EvoX)

Since LeLutka is the big partner for the event, it makes sense they’d have a fun release. Evolution Xtreme (also known as EvoX) has debuted at Skin Fair. I’ll be doing a more in depth post comparing EvoX to their Evolution line, however the big difference you’ll notice right away is the option for high definition skins and the inclusion of elf ears with purchase. A few other brands have released EvoX skins at the event, so keep an eye out for them. It’s important to note that you can use Evolution skins on the EvoX head (using the Classic option in the HUD) but you cannot use EvoX skins on regular Evolution heads. I do have a listing for Avalon over on The Mesh Directory where you can also compare it to other feminine heads.
DeeTaleZ – Multiple Skins

While I’m not mentioning most skin creators here, I am making an exception for DeeTaleZ. One of Second Life’s top skin designers, it’s not at all a surprise that they’re making an appearance with three new skins available now. What IS a surprise is the pixelated teasers in their booth. During the preview event I assumed these skins would be released the day the event opened, however it’s been up for a couple days now and still no reveal. We know they’re for EvoX, but could they be waiting for another release too? Or perhaps they just want to drum up interest for when it does release? I’m somewhat hopeful it may be tied to the little tease that released today, though that’s purely just my selfish curiosity…
Quite the Tease (Legacy X)

Something new cropped up in the LeLutka booth after the fair’s initial opening. Legacy seems to have snuck in and hung up some teaser posters for “Legacy X” for a short time. While this info just hit today, there isn’t too much to go on. The most news we really have is that Legacy X is “designed to compliment enhancements like LeLutka’s Evolution Series.” We do know it’s a collaboration with LeLutka that will be revealed over the duration of Skin Fair. Legacy says to revisit the Sponsor Pop-Up (the middle ring of the fair) to explore Legacy X with surprise “drops” being released all month long.
I know I’m not the only one curious and excited to see what could be coming. Please note this paragraph is simply speculation and is in no way confirming what it may or may not be. MeshBody has a history of releasing changes as new bodies in lieu of addons or updates, so I’m inclined to think this will be a new body purchase (See quote below). Based on them stating that it’s made to compliment enhancements like LeLutka Evo it leads me to believe they may be focusing on a BOM only body. They may even be working on different UV mapping to open up the possibility of HD skins like EvoX, however that’s a bit more of a stretch. I’ll definitely be checking back to see what’ up as Skin Fair continues!
Update March 21, 2021: Today MeshBody sent a note out to its group members with more info on Legacy X. Part of this note is quoted below.
All current Legacy customers will be gifted Legacy X upgrades in each of their bodies, for free, Legacy X is a new window into a world of high definition and community collaboration. Legacy X is designed to work alongside your current Legacy products, with full closet compatibility support, and will help facilitate new features and requested improvements to your current Legacy products. All current Legacy customers will be gifted Legacy X upgrades in each of their bodies, for free, starting with Legacy (f) original, and Legacy X will be sold separately for new customers after launch. New customers who purchase Legacy before Legacy X arrives will also be eligible for a free Legacy X upgrade.
– Legacy X FAQ Notecard sent out in the notices of the MeshBody LiveHelp group.
I will say I didn’t expect it to be a free upgrade for existing customers, so that’s a nice surprise. They did also mention that Legacy X information will be posted to their groups first, then to their main store, then the Legacy X website. They have specifically said there’s no set time frame for when more info on Legacy X will be released, so don’t be surprised if it’s a long wait before Legacy X is released.
Worth A Peek
Products in this section may not be the huge headliners as the ones above, but they’re still worth checking out. They include new head releases and more.
New Heads
Fiore – Icon

This one was a big surprise for me while browsing the fair. Fiore created heads previously, however they hadn’t released any new ones or updates for a few years. They’re making their comeback with Icon, a BOM head with a custom UV map to allow for HD Skins. It’s important to note that Icon does not come with a skin and it can ONLY support skins designed for Fiore. Other skins will not work. I’ll be adding Icon to The Mesh Directory and possibly doing an in depth post on it in the future as well.
GA.EG – Rachel

Rachel is the first in GA.EG’s new #BOMGEN line. She’s a BOM only head that comes with completely new HUDs for both style and animations. While she’s a new line, she does not appear to have a drastically different UV map like Fiore Icon and Lelutka EvoX. As such you may be able to use BOM skins you already own, but make sure to demo to be sure!
Arata – Bento Mesh Head 04

Arata’s newest head is available in their booth. It uses the traditional UV for BOM heads so many BOM skins will work with it. Arata’s products are designed to be compatible with many things, so you’ll see examples in their booth of various skins on the head even though they were designed for other heads. You’ll also see their skins displayed on other heads, not just Arata.
LOGO – Bella

Bella is LOGO’s newest head. If you’re not familiar with LOGO, their heads are less expensive than many others, however the HUD and skin are sold separately. Bella’s bundle is only L$499 for the duration of the event. This is a steal since the full price bundles are usually L$3,499. The HUD alone is usually L$999 so if you even need just that it’s worth picking up the whole thing. To get a peek at what LOGO’s heads are like check out the listing for Ivona.
Altamura – Livia (Skin fair special edition)

Altamura’s latest head and body Livia has released. It can be purchased as a full body or as a head only. The full version (called FullBody) comes with everything you need for a style right in the box including your body and some clothes. If you’re a group member the full version is available for 80% off at the fair while the head is 50% off. You can join the group right from their booth so it’s kept as easy as possible. See what the FullBody line is like over at my listing for Mia.
Akeruka – Advanced W10

AK’s newest Advanced head is also debuting at Skin Fair. The Advanced line focuses on BOM skins and is designed to work with many of the standard BOM skins on the market. Make sure to try demos to see if your favorite skin works with it! For a peek at the Advanced line check out the listing for W08.
Bespoke – Iris Unicorn

Bespoke’s heads definitely aren’t your traditional ones. Their exclusive product for the fair is the Iris Unicorn, a head that is meant to go on a humanoid body to make an anthropomorphic creature that puts the horse masks to shame. In addition to Iris they also have a horse, orcs, troll, and imp available at the event.
Other Treats
Andore – Ears

Two new mesh ear sets from Andore have been released for Skin Fair. Sheary is made for female heads and Koeh are unisex. They come with skins, tattoos, piercings, and more to help give you a unique look.
THIS IS WRONG – Animated Tattoos
There are a lot of tattoos at the fair, however I wanted to put a spotlight on the animated selection from This is Wrong. They’re a lot of fun to play with and may be just what you need to finish a look. See them in action above.
Tips for visiting
So you’ve decided Skin Fair is worth heading to? Awesome! Skin Fair is a HUGE event both in popularity and in size. Here are some tips to make your visit as easy as possible.
Grab demos BEFORE visiting (if possible)
Is there something you know you want to try? Swing by the brand’s main store or check their group’s notifications before going to the fair. The fair itself may be a bit laggy and can take some time to get into. Playing with demos in the comfort of your own space can save you time and frustration.
Get ready to go
Skin Fair is a big place and a busy one too. To help cut down on lag and to make sure everyone feels welcome there are a few things you should know before trying to get in.
- Every store will showcase at least one new and exclusive product.
- The Sims are PG so double check that all your private parts are covered.
- A complexity limit of 100,000 will be enforced. If you show up with a higher complexity you will be removed from the sim.
- Skin Fair ends on March 29. If you want to get in make sure to do it before then!
Getting there
Have I mentioned Skin Fair is popular? You’re likely not going to get in on your first attempt. So now that you’re all ready to go, make sure to try, try, and try again. The event itself takes place over two connected sims with a third sim for cam access. If you like to use your camera to shop around Cam Sim 1 or Cam Sim 2 is your best bet. Cam sims may be a little easier to get into during popular times and you can keep your body there while you use your camera to shop.
You can also teleport to the North Sim or the South Sim directly and shop from there. Those will take longer to get into during busy times, so feel free to browse the Official Shopping Gallery while you wait. It’s important to note that you can’t walk across the sims unless there’s space in the one you’re walking into. So most likely you’ll be camming through one section even if you teleport directly to the event sim.
Check each booth
You’ve finally gotten in and are ready to explore. Make sure to take the time to explore everything! You don’t want to have to bounce in and out if you can help it. There are a few free gifts hanging out in booths. Some stores have gachas there as well. And of course most booths will have far more than what the shopping gallery shows. If you want to avoid missing something make sure to take the time to check it all out.
Who You’ll Find There
The following is a list of brands you’ll be able to find at Skin Fair 2021 as well as a map to help with your exploration. You can click the image to view at full size.