This is an overview of the Maitreya Lara Original mesh body for Second Life avatars. As always I strongly encourage you to demo before making any final purchases. To browse other mesh heads, bodies, and more check out The Mesh Directory. Looking for LaraX? Check the listing for Maitreya LaraX. For a comparison of both check out Maitreya LaraX (& What You Need To Know Compared To Lara).

Basic Info
Product Specifics
- Creator – Maitreya
- Product – Lara Original (comes with LaraX Purchase)
- Price – L$2750
- Review Version – 5.3
Included Parts
- Copy – Yes
- Transfer – No
- Mod – No
Bakes on Mesh (BOM)
- Bakes on Mesh (BOM) – Yes
- Skin Appliers – Yes
- Cosmetic Appliers – Yes
- Applier Save Slots – Yes
- Omega Compatible – Yes
- Materials Enabled – Yes
- Universal Neck Standard ?When used with the same skin tone, heads and bodies both using the Universal Neck Standard result in a seamless neck. – Yes
- Additional Neck Sizing Options – Yes

Pros, Neutral Notes, and Cons
Other things of note to consider that haven’t been mentioned above.
- Maitreya Lara is a very popular body with tons of products made specifically to work with it
- Easy to find items to use with it in all sorts of styles
- The clothing/underwear/tattoo layers are separate objects that can be removed to keep your complexity low.
Neutral Notes
- Lara has been a super popular body for a long time. As such many products have been made for it. That said, newer bodies have come out and some creators dropped support for Lara in favor of the newer bodies. LaraX has also been released, so creators may be making for that more than for Lara Original.
- Only lends itself to slender or athletic shapes
What’s In The Box

Official Maitreya Links
- Inworld Location
- Maitreya V.I.P. Group – The official Maitreya group. Chat is disabled here, but you can get in world discounts with the tag active.
- Maitreya Lara Friends group – Not the official group, but it is partially owned by Maitreya’s General Manager. Chat is enabled here and you can get help with your questions from knowledgeable folks.
- Official Site
- Discord
- Flickr
Example of Maitreya Lara In Use

Head – Happy Paw: Axolotl
Body – Maitreya: Lara
Skin – Glum: Axolotl Blueberry Cream Mod
Shape – Modified version of Happy Paw‘s Axolotl Shape.
Ears – Happy Paw: Axolotl Ears
Hand Webbing – iMonster (Formerly EVolved creatures): MEr membranes
Tail – Happy Paw: Axolotl Tail
Bubbles – NAMINOKE: Kingyo Queen Rare Bubble (Full Set)
Ring – Cae: Soho
Dress – Salt & Pepper: Quistis
Shoes – Moon Amore: Liquid Soul Tap-Tap Shoes
Pose – Vista Animations: Nina AO Swim animation.
Location – The Dive Shop (Using their Shared Environment and Experience settings)
Do you have Maitreya Lara? Tell me what you think.
Are there questions you have that I didn’t answer? Ask away!
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Always feel free to use the comment section.
I’m fairly new to SL (I guess I played it when I was 14 or something but ended up quitting after an hour because everything was too confusing/overwhelming for me back then lol) and I was looking for an updated mesh body review when I found your blog. While I still have loads to catch up on, thank you for the informative posts 😀
Welcome back! You’re so very welcome, I’m happy to hear my blog is helping you <3 If there's anything else you need a hand with don't hesitate to ask!
can you wear maitreya with lara 5.3
Maitreya is the brand that makes the Lara body. Products that are listed for Maitreya will fit Lara 🙂
Maitreya was honestly the first body that I ever had in SL. (Along with good ol’ fashioned TMP lol) Granted it’s been geared towards the slimmer population, it is possible to get it to look a bit curvier. I have found that the way I shaped it, (since it’s my current body because I went back to it), many people have confused my body shape with either Legacy or Freya.
Will the new body upgrade be compatible with system mapped skins or will we need to buy new skins for the new body?
Maitreya hasn’t released that information just yet. A lot of us are speculating that the UV map will be different to be more high definition, similar to how EvoX created a new map for heads so they could be more detailed.In the Maitreya Discord it was just confirmed that new skins will not be required, so Lara X will have the SLUV map.
What we do know is that Maitreya will be updating the body, but also keeping a version of the current one in the update so you can use whichever you prefer.
Well, that’s very comforting to know that I can get the newest features without going through the arduous, and expensive, task of crying over picking out a new skin.
The Maitreya Lara is becoming my first mesh body. The LaraX sounds intriguing. The versatility she offers me makes dressing & accessorizing my new life simple and elegant. A girl can’t have enough beautiful clothes, however, a lovely wardrobe must be meticulously coordinated. My Lara X will certainly stay fashionable & stylish.
I am anxiously awaiting the Lara X.
Trisha Renee Ryan
Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long! I’m sure you’re gonna look awesome <3