Sweet E’s designed the cutest tuxedo dress and it’s available exclusively at this month’s Fashion Dazzle!
The Tuxedo Stripe Coco Dress is a nice formal/semi-formal piece for your collection. I’m a sucker for the corset lacing on the back and I also love the front flower accent!
Coco comes with the following:
- Alpha for classic avatars
- The Coco Dress HUD
- The HUD includes the colors black, white, red, blue, green, and purple.
- The Dress itself
- It includes sizing for Belleza, eBODY, Maitreya, Ocacin, Slink, TMP, Tonic, and the 5 standard sizes.
- Promo image texture
- Thank you notecard
The dress is lovely in every color. Sneak a peek at each of them below!
Poses – FOXCITY: Formal VOL1-1m (Big Gown) & Formal VOL2-3
Coco is available for purchase exclusively at the Sweet E’s booth at Fashion Dazzle this month. It’s a steal at L$99. You can also find a Formal Harness Dress in Black & White as well as Black & Teal for only L$79 each. Make sure to swing by before the 25th to check them out!
Click for full view.

Body – Maitreya: Lara
Eyes – Inkheart: Doll Eyes – Brown Sugar
Shape – 7 Deadly s{K}ins: Madelon (Available at SAD on Nov 11)
Skin – 7 Deadly s{K}ins: 7 Deadly s{K}ins: Madelon Blushing in Walnut (Available at SAD on Nov 11)
Hair – TRUTH: Apple in Multitone 2
Dress – Sweet E’s: Tuxedo Stripe Coco Dress
Shoes – MODA: Alyx Corset Heels
Pose – FOXCITY: Formal VOL1-2m (Big Gown)
Setting – Skyfall Ballroom New York Garden