When I started this blog back in January I was hopeful that some people may enjoy it. Fast forward to this past week when we hit 100 subscribers. I never imagined so many people would be so interested so soon. Thank you, all of you. I’m glad to have helped so many of you, or at least entertained you! To celebrate I’ve put together some fast facts about the site, things you may not know we have, and a new section announcement!
Quick Regeneration Stats
In celebration here are some fun stats.
- Regeneration’s first blog post was January 2, 2017 on WordPress.com.
- January 9, 2017 the blog migrated to digitalregeneration.com
- Regeneration has had over 5.5k views since starting 4 months ago
- Our most popular post is “Are Second Life Gacha Games Worth Your Time?“
- “Organizing Your Second Life Library“, released just two days ago, is currently our fourth most popular of all time. It’s well on its way to being #1!
Did You Know?
Regeneration is more than just a blog. Have you explored everything yet?
- Regeneration is found on other sites too! You can find a complete list of where to find us on Social Media in our Contact and Connect section.
- We have a group on Flickr for you to show off all your avatar pics!
- There is an Informational Series drop down menu at the top of the page.
- This reveals our first informational series “Making A New You” to help you make an avatar from scratch.
- As of today it also reveals our new announcement:
The Newbie Hub
As the name implies, this is a wonderful place for people who are new to avatar creation to start. It’s not ONLY for Newbies though! More advanced players might enjoy some of our informational posts gathered here. You can browse the following: Creating Your Avatar From Scratch, Customization Basics, Acquiring Products, and more. You can also find other blogs that may help you out too!
Thank You Again!
I have so much fun blogging and I’m so excited that at least 100 of you are having fun reading it. So sincerely, thank you. I really appreciate every single view and subscribe. If you’re interested in subscribing but aren’t sure how you can just click the “Subscribe Here” button at the bottom right of the page or fill in your E-Mail in the Subscribe section. The subscribe box is always in the sidebar, but I’ve put it below as well for your convenience. E-Mail subscribers get a notification via E-Mail for every new post! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Which posts are your favorite so far and what would you like to see in the future? Leave a comment and let me know!
Congratulations ❤???? Well done! ????
Thank you!! <3
Congrats Asia! <33
Thanks! 🙂